Few Statistics and Facts of Online Gambling

Are you aware about online gambling statistics? Do you know about the number of people who have become totally addicted to various online gambling websites as well as internet casinos?

People were more accustomed playing 2 player card games earlier, but as online gambling has become a part of our lives, people have started engaging in these games in greater numbers.

As far as traditional forms of these gambling games are concerned, it may be relatively easier to obtain all these facts and figures. However, since internet gambling is totally a new phenomenon, therefore getting accurate information about the statistics of online gambling is little difficult.

However, few organizations have worked in this field and has come out with few interesting facts and figures about internet casinos and also few of the selected online casino games statistics:

  1. Initially, “Pathological Gambling” was recognized officially as a kind of clinical disorder during the year 1980, when these games were first included in DSM-III.
  2. Though s majority of people who participate in online casinos are considered as responsible gambler, it is projected that 3% of all these population are struggling with pathological gambling.
  3. A majority of online gambling sites are not really affiliated with various traditional land-based casinos. That is because it is widely considered that all these traditional casinos were not interested to get associated with any new business model which may take away from their traditional source of income.

However, now their policy seems to be changing due to increased popularity of online casinos. Now traditional casinos too are developing online gambling websites of their own.

  1. During the month of August’ 96, the first online casino was launched. At that time 18 games were available then. Now there are thousands of websites hosting gambling and a new online gambling business appear almost every day.
  2. No official safety regulations or standards available for online casino products. Those who choose to wager on online gambling sites are essentially taking their own risk.
  3. For teenagers and also young adults, playing on any “free” online gambling websites is a very common activity.
  4. The first online Bingo site appeared in 1998.
  5. Also, the first website for poker game also started during 1998.
  6. As per research findings, young males are mostly engaging in online gambling.
  7. During 2003, when World Poker Series became a popular TV program, online poker website numbers too dramatically increased.
  8. Though it is very difficult to estimate the total revenue coming from online casinos, it is estimated to be $12 billion during 2005 and about 15.2 billion during 2006. During 2010, the revenue was almost 29.3 billion.
  9. 20% of online gamblers can be pathological gamblers.
  10. Almost 4% teenagers have gambling problem.
